TommyLog – Turning 18 – Twinkie Edition

Hostess is dead… No more twinkles. Booo to that!

Madeline is 18. WOW! She was one of the lead in the Little Chute play Footloose and what an amazing job she did. She totally rocked it.

It’s weird having a 18 yr old child. You look at things in a different perspective. I love being a dad and I love my kids so much. Happy 18 Madeline!

TommyLog: The Hills are Alive

Madeline was in the Little Chute High School musical “The Sound of Music” and she JUST KILLED IT!!! it was so amazing to see her in her various parts. I am so proud of her and her love of the fine arts.


TommyLog – Communication

Sorry about the sound folks… all fixed! 🙂 Tommy today talks about communication and the importance of having open channels of communication. The CEO was just in his office talking through things and its amazing he difference between this job and his old job at RRD. Tommy & Clara were in the Little Chute community play based on Alice in Wonderland. Tommy was a card and clara was a flower. Well done by all.


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