TommyLog – We Are Going Another Direction

A few days of wins and one pretty big loss. In the grand scheme, not a huge deal, but you have hope and it didn’t happen. I had spent the last 10 months working with a music related internet start-up in Milwaukee. I was their community manager and did it on the side. I loved the people I worked with. You help build buzz for an idea almost from the start with hopes of watching it bud into a HUGE enterprise. So many awesome people and just like that… “We Are Going Another Direction.” There was a bit of appreciation for what I had done, I need to be fair, but no goodbye’s– nothing. Just changed passwords within minutes and then BOOM…

Sad indeed. I feel like I failed. I’m not used to this feeling. This new opportunity made me stretch my skills and i’ll miss it.

THANK YOU for allowing me to shine, or at least think I was shining. I hope you make good on your offer to allow me to play in the sandbox again. We shall see.

TommyLog: @AJBombers ROCKS… so does @KatieFelten

So I had this speaking gig in Milwaukee last friday. I spoke tot the Wisconsin Literacy Coalition and it was pretty great. Always great to inspire people to do something they would not normally do. Pretty great. Well after the speaking deal, I met @katiefelten at AJ bombers. Great burger, great fries, great atmosphere and great conversation. And thank you for the card scanner..that rocks!!!

Milwaukee rocks!! Now we just need to get an AJ Bombers in Appleton… Are you listening?


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TommyLog: That Made My Day @erindavi5

Ever had a day that was kinda blah and then you get one comment, note or card that just changes everything for the better. Well today on twitter I had one message from Erin @wfrv5 on twitter and it lifted my spirits so much. I just had to say THANK YOU!

Yesterday I went to Milwaukee with some good friends to see Scott Stratten @unmarketing on twitter speak about his new book titles UNMarketing. What a great opportunity to meet nationally recognized authors talk about a subject I’m trying to learn.

More on that later…. Just so AMAZING!!!!


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Red Shoes Speaks No. 28 Ungeeked Conference

Jess shares her insights from the Ungeeked Conference that was held last week in Milwaukee. The group also discusses knowing and understanding your audiences online, strategies and intermingling posts on different social media platforms.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 28 Ungeeked Conference from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

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