TommyLog – Good leaders

Another amazing Clifford family weekend with the big kids is under the belt. October is here and fall is in the air. A quick chat about good leaders and what makes a normal leader a great leader??? It’s only been one day but I already miss Tim at work. he was a super boss and a great friend. He will rock his new gig!


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TommyLog – Making A Difference – Johnny The Bagger


Today I had a great training session with my main training buddy Matt from NWTC. In his class he showed the always relevant video called “johnny the Bagger” Johnny is a boy with down syndrome and worked for a grocery store. He wanted to make a difference so he started putting inspirational messages into each bag he helped check out. What an amazing video and well worth the watch. What can we do to make a difference?


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TommyLog – Leadership Traits

Tommy talks about leadership traits and the trait of a good leader which is delegation. The 4 traits of a good leader are 1, hire good people, break down barriers, get out of their way and delegate responsibility,
