TommyLog – Take Some Time

Happy Snow, happy Friday and happy new Orleans. I leave for my GUA trip to New Orleans on Monday. So excited!

Today I discuss taking time to slow down and enjoy what’s around you. Don’t be that person who works from 7 am till 11 pm all in the name of family when you have no time to spend with them. Take time to smell the roses!

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TommyLog – Good leaders

Another amazing Clifford family weekend with the big kids is under the belt. October is here and fall is in the air. A quick chat about good leaders and what makes a normal leader a great leader??? It’s only been one day but I already miss Tim at work. he was a super boss and a great friend. He will rock his new gig!


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TommyLog – My Trip to NYC Just After 9/11

Today is the 10th anniversary of the terror bombings of the World Trade Center. I reflect at that moment and where I was on that day. I took a trip to New York City a few weeks after and I share my story. So many images being shared, I had to add my 2 cents to the mix. I added a few pix I took from my NYC trip to the video.

I will never forget!


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TommyLog Special Guest David Jackson talks about Passion

Tommy visits the photography studio of David E. Jackson and they talk kids, work and passion. David has a zest for life as well as a photographic eye second to none. Watch out world… David is coming.

See all his magic at his website
