TommyLog: Great Ideas I Didn’t Have

Lets think about some truly great ideas. Chances are…they aren’t mine 🙁 So many just killer ideas, Google, Apple, Youtube, Ebay… once right after the other. Look at Apples stock price and then look at Dell. WOW that tells a huge story. Innovation makes the world go ’round!

Please leave comments on the next GREAT idea!


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Red Shoes Speaks No. 53 The evolution of Social Media Tools

Check into this! Is Foursquare evolving fast enough for businesses? Are you not digging Digg? Is Facebook evolving too fast? Weigh in as we discuss the evolution (of not) of social media platforms.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 53 The evolution of Social Media Tools from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog: That Didn’t Go So Well!

Ever seen a comment online just set people off? Well I watched it first hand this week and its not pretty. One comment sent in the heat of the moment on facebook, just ballooned and went nuclear all in the matter of a few hours. People using all CAPS, yelling, and unfriending. Just stunning what can happen.

The moral of the story, PLEASE think before you post!!!!!!


TommyLog – Public Speaking

Today I had the opportunity of speaking to 2 Appleton North High School marketing classes. What a great experience to give back to the community and make a difference as they learn about social media and how it plays into their career decisions. Great class and good times!


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Red Shoes Speaks No. 49 – Beware what you post online

45 percent of employers are looking at job candidates’ profiles online. How does this apply to kids today? Lisa and Tommy talk about being smart when it comes to kids’ online presence.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 49 – Beware what you post online from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.