Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayer

Last Friday was a total rotten day at work. Do not pass go do not collect $200 rotten. I was home and it was about 7:30 in the evening and I wanted to go get Culver’s for dinner. As I’m driving to Culver’s sun roof open and XM radio turned up high—trying to forget my awful day, I saw a family stranded on the side of the road. They car had broken down. I immediately felt a prompting to do a u-turn and go and see who I could help.

The dad, named John, was from Eastern Europe, Croatia I think and he had a thick accent. He said he was the head chef at a restaurant in Neenah. His car ran out of gas and he and his wife and 2 kids were on their way to the grocery store. I was able to help him get gas and on their way very quickly.

After that, the worries of my Friday was washed away.

What a blessing it was not to ask for answers to a prayer, but to possibly BE AN ANSWER!

What will you do to be that answer?

TommyLog – Trainign Day

Tommy talks about Madeline and her first real work experience working at Culvers restaurant. Tommy’s first real work experience, after a paper route was to work at McDonald’s. That was an amazing experience to feel a part of something bigger. To be a part of a team. The big girls are getting braces. So fun to watch, so not fun to pay for… ouch.


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