TommyLog – Bang Your Head Against a Wall

Yesterday I was at Red Shoes PR doing some filming. A frustrated Lisa comes in the room and says… Once you are finished banging your head against a wall, why not try the door? profound and how true. Many times if you are just getting beaten up with a project, take a few steps backwards and take a closer look. Words to live by!

This week I received the coolest hand made card from my friend in New Jersey!! Thank you IS for the hand made love!!! Thank you cards just rock!!


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TommyLog: Christmas Cards from a friend @typertist

Got a letter with the BEST Christmas card in it…along with a few other things. What a blessing it is to have friends like this. Merry Christmas Isabel!!!


TommyLog: Thank You Cards Rock!!!

I just received 3 of the BEST thank you cards I have ever received. They all came from the students at Kimberly High School. if you remember, I spoke to their marketing departments a few weeks ago. This is just so AWESOME and the reason why I keep doing this stuff. Truly a humbling experience… WOW!!!!!


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