Inkjet Printer Prints out Human Skin

Anonymous Award writes “Scientists at the University of Manchester in the UK have developed a type of inkjet printer that can print human cells. The scientists claim that it will be possible to print ‘made-to-measure’ tissue and bones to be grown simply by inputting their dimensions into a computer. But that’s not all, the printer’s creator claims that the potential of his team’s discovery is enormous: ‘You could print the scaffolding to create an organ in a day,’ well, one day maybe. Where could this technology lead in a 100 years I wonder? Could it lead to a fax machine for complete living organisms?”

Originally posted by CowboyNeal from Slashdot

Farenhype 9/11 DVD

Overstock Deal: Fahrenhype 9/11 (DVD) – $4.00icon

Across America people are asking if Fahrenheit 9/11 is a healthy dose of dissent, or shameful cowardice. Is it truth or hype? Heading a search party for the truth is Dick Morris, the man Time has called “The Most Influential Private Citizen in America.” His insider insight into the real motivation for making Fahrenheit 9/11 is election year dynamite.

Originally posted by mike glozman from Cheap Stingy Bastard

Super Bowl 2005 to Use “Turf Cams”

Super Bowl 2K5As if we didn’t already have enough views of grid iron brutality, Fox Sports’ coverage of this year’s Super Bowl (Feb. 6) may include pictures from miniature cameras embedded in the actual field turf.  Fox’s executive vice president Bill Brown recently announced that they will install 12 miniature cameras, mounted on angled tubes the size of eraser-heads throughout the field.  This way viewers will be able to see what it’s really like at the ground level, especially where the cameras line up with the line of scrimmage.  They’re hoping to catch maybe 5 or 6 plays where this happens.  It turns out that the cameras were already used in last summer’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game and during the playoffs and World Series, without any interference. 

Read More | USA Today

Originally from Gear Live