Have you ever come upon a picture and wondered, what is that font really?

So you have this picture, with some text on it and you would really like to use that font, then you can go to this site, it has a great function to find exactly the font you are looking for. If you dont, then they have identiy font.

Originally from digg / tommytrc / dug

Double your iPod’s capacity?


Gotta love the rampant eBay hucksterism of some chap in the UK who is selling a method for doubling the song storage capacity of any iPod. He claims the process doesn’t involve decreasing the bitrate of your songs, installing any third party software, modding your iPod’s hardware or otherwise invalidating its warranty, which pretty much elminates anything we can think of. Anyone want to pony up the £10 to find out what in the hell he’s talking about? Nah, didn’t think so.

[Via TRFJ]

Originally posted by Peter Rojas from Engadget

Some Amusing Classified Ads

[funny] Some Amusing Classified Ads

spoof classified ads

Update: Sick Children, Genocide and other Funny Stuff — a number of readers have pointed out these ads were created by Jimmy Carr — I got them from a viral email doing the rounds … ‘The “other stuff” section of this year’s show sees Carr read from small ads that he has placed in various unsuspecting buying-and-selling publications. “They’re just quirky little things,” he says. ” ‘For sale: bonsai tree – large.’ There’s another advert in which I’m selling some rubber sheets for £40; £45 clean. Which is quite funny, but I’m doing that in the watersports section of Loot, which I think is a joy.”‘

Originally posted by Darren S. from LinkMachineGo

Apple Patents Exposé & iTMS UI and TiVo Buyout & Sony Speculation

Kheit wrote about some new Apple patents on the Expose and iTunes Music Store user interfaces. He has some interesting speculation on Apple buying out TiVo and working with Sony to make a TiVo. I never realized that TiVo’s was so low. Why hasn’t Microsoft or Apple bought them out?

Originally from digg / tommytrc / dug