Red Shoes Speaks No 55 Lisa’s TSA Experience

How did TSA do communicating the new screening process to both their own employees and the public? Let us know what you think.

Red Shoes Speaks No 55 Lisa’s TSA Experience from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog: Thank You Cards Rock!!!

I just received 3 of the BEST thank you cards I have ever received. They all came from the students at Kimberly High School. if you remember, I spoke to their marketing departments a few weeks ago. This is just so AWESOME and the reason why I keep doing this stuff. Truly a humbling experience… WOW!!!!!


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Red Shoes Speaks No. 54 Email Closings

What’s your sign-off? How you close your emails can win or lose you friends. Take care to use words carefully! Jess and Tommy took about the different ways to conclude an email and their personal preferences.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 54 Email Closings from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 53 The evolution of Social Media Tools

Check into this! Is Foursquare evolving fast enough for businesses? Are you not digging Digg? Is Facebook evolving too fast? Weigh in as we discuss the evolution (of not) of social media platforms.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 53 The evolution of Social Media Tools from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog: @AJBombers ROCKS… so does @KatieFelten

So I had this speaking gig in Milwaukee last friday. I spoke tot the Wisconsin Literacy Coalition and it was pretty great. Always great to inspire people to do something they would not normally do. Pretty great. Well after the speaking deal, I met @katiefelten at AJ bombers. Great burger, great fries, great atmosphere and great conversation. And thank you for the card scanner..that rocks!!!

Milwaukee rocks!! Now we just need to get an AJ Bombers in Appleton… Are you listening?


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