TommyLog – Just Doing My Thing

So how does this happen? Father of five who just starts doing videos about five or six years ago for my kids. One maybe two videos a week adds up pretty quickly. Now I have about 1000 videos on YouTube and companies like Verizon ford Microsoft the Atlanta convention visitors Bureau start stirring. All have reached out to me and want me to be part of their social media hustle.

How amazing is that??

So the moral of today story kids is this. Just do your thing and others will find it great. You don’t set out to make this thing huge, just do your thing and let other people turn it around to make it huge. I am so blessed and so thankful the people who support me and love me each and every day. I’m thankful for a great family who loves me and allows me to have these fun little trips.

What an amazing journey!

TommyLog – The Porsche Experience #SITSUM

October 3, 2015

Atlanta, GA

Porsche Experience Center


Porsche 911 Carrera S

400 HP

Uncut and Uncensored

Views Discretion Advised

It Speaks For Itself!

Special shout out to my friend Robyn Wright @RobynsWorld for capturing the second half of the video. She is amazing.

HUGE Thanks to the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau, @Senseiproject and @Sitsum for the Tommy Love!

You All Rock!

Sometimes Things Just Work Themselves Out!

Hey Kids it’s Dad, for today’s TommyLog, I’m still in Alanna Georgia. I’m attending the sit some social influencers travel summit put on here in Atlanta Georgia. I’m having an amazing time. Today’s topic I want to talk about there are times you’re going to get phone calls you just don’t want to answer. There’s people I love to talk to but I know that when I get a phone call from this one person it’s always trouble. Back at home I do a lot of work with one particular client and when they happen to call, I know things are not going well.

So today during one of my learning sessions, my phone rang. I let it go to voicemail. One of three things is going to happen, either they will call back, leave a voicemail, or work itself out. Luckily today it appears it worked itself out. I got no voicemail, and I got no return call.  That’s a huge bonus for me.

Sometimes there’s a learning experience in figuring it out. I don’t like to see people struggle, but I also don’t want to be worried about a problem I can’t help 1500 miles away.

Sometimes things just work themselves out.

TommyLog – Best to Just Say Nothing

Hey Kids it’s dad, and today I’m coming to you live from Atlanta Georgia. I’m staying at the W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta. I was invited to a social media travel conference where social media influences from around the country come together learn, share and grow. First time of ever been invited to something like this, very cool.

So today I want to share with you something I heard the other day. It goes like this. “Sometimes the hardest thing to say is nothing”. What a powerful statement. Many times you get picked on many times people go against you. But sometimes you just need to say nothing. Don’t give them any ammo! Don’t bring a flamethrower the party –just walk away.

So when things are getting you down what you feel you really have a real struggle, just turn the other cheek and walk away. Our Savior taught us and it’s never more important than now.