Cleaning the Church as a Family

Hey kids, it’ s Dad and for today’s TommyLog I want to talk about the Clifford family helping clean the meeting house. About once every 4-6 months, members of the LDS church get the opportunity to help clean the church. Since there is no paid cleaning staff, cleaning duties fall on the members. So for about an hour we swept and mopped floors, cleaned the bathrooms and emptied trash. Even Emma an Drew got in the action.

I really love this as it helps build respect for the building as we are one of the people who are responsible for its upkeep. Just think what wold happen if kids had to help clean their schools or rec centers? They would have a more respectful attitude if they knew that spills and messes- they would be in charge of cleaning.

Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayer

Last Friday was a total rotten day at work. Do not pass go do not collect $200 rotten. I was home and it was about 7:30 in the evening and I wanted to go get Culver’s for dinner. As I’m driving to Culver’s sun roof open and XM radio turned up high—trying to forget my awful day, I saw a family stranded on the side of the road. They car had broken down. I immediately felt a prompting to do a u-turn and go and see who I could help.

The dad, named John, was from Eastern Europe, Croatia I think and he had a thick accent. He said he was the head chef at a restaurant in Neenah. His car ran out of gas and he and his wife and 2 kids were on their way to the grocery store. I was able to help him get gas and on their way very quickly.

After that, the worries of my Friday was washed away.

What a blessing it was not to ask for answers to a prayer, but to possibly BE AN ANSWER!

What will you do to be that answer?

A Little Goes A Long Way

Hey kids, It’s Dad and for todays TommyLog I want to talk about tooth paste usage. Both Emma and drew are having trouble modulating the mount of toothpaste that they use on a per use basis. A little bit of toothpaste goes a long way.

This led me to think that a little bit goes a long way. A little smile goes a long way, a hello or hi–that goes a long way. So take time to share a little—along the way.