Red Shoes Speaks No. 44 Yellowbooks are still around?

They still generate a lot in ad revenue but do we still need the Yellowbook? Tommy and Lisa discuss the pros and cons as well as who might still be using them.

Red Shoes Speaks No. 44 Yellowbooks are still around? from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

TommyLog – Be Yourself

Today I saw this great quote my Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” THANKS go out to Maureen Wallenfang from the Post Crescent for passing that gem along. What a great quote. In this day and age, you really need to stand out. You need to differentiate yourself from the crowd and you must be yourself.


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TommyLog – Jealous People Suck

Why can’t people just be happy for others successes? I’m dealing with some serious losers in the area who are just so darn jealous of the success of others. Their bitterness and lengths they will go to to cut others down.. stunning. How can people harbor such feelings of ill will for someone else?

One way other another they will get theirs, just remember kids, what goes around comes around!
