Trumpet Playing Band

Madeline performed at the Little Chute High School band and choir concert last evening. It was amazing to see her in action. Watching her play the horn sent me back to days gone by where I would come home from school, run into the house and see Grandpa Grillo playing his trumpet in the living room. What a comforting sound to hear and watching you play brought those memories back so vividly. GREAT JOB Madeline!

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Breakfast with Social Media Masters

This morning I attended the New North Social Media breakfast hosted at Titletown in Green bay. I noshed with some great ones in the social media arena. What is different about this visit is I was going on behalf of HC Miller and not as an innocent bystander like my days of old at my last job. So many new people to meet, so few business cards to give out.

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Red Shoes Speaks No. 27 Digital Spring Cleaning

The best part of spring time is the ability to open the windows and clean out the closets. While you are taking care of your home, why not look at your social media home, too. Are you getting endless email newsletters and alerts? Are you friends with people who you don’t engage with? Lisa & Tommy discuss the need to take some time to do some social media “digital” spring cleaning.

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Red Shoes Speaks No. 27 Digital Spring Cleaning from Lisa Cruz on Vimeo.

Well, You Know How It Is…

Tommy talks about a run-in he had with a former co-worker and his response to the question “How’s it going?” How said it is to hear, “Well you know how it is?” What a life to know you have lost a career and just have a job. How Sad! Why do people put up with going to work day after day if they are not 100% happy. I would hate that so much.

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