Counterfeit $1 million bill

A man tried to change a US$1 million bill at a Pittsburgh convenience grocery store this week. Problem is, the biggest bill in circulation is a $100. After the cashier pointed out that the bill was obviously fake and refused to return it to him, the man became very angry. He was nabbed by police but refuses to give his name. From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

The largest bill ever printed is the $100,000 gold certificate, which was made in 1934 and 1935, and used only for transactions between Federal Reserve banks.

The $1 million bill seized Saturday might have originated from a Dallas-based ministry, which last year distributed thousands of religious pamphlets with a picture of the bogus bill, police said.



Ethan Persoff says, “The bogus million dollar bill you’re describing is also notable for having Reagan’s face on it. I found one on a bridge a year or so ago.” Link

Originally posted by David Pescovitz from Boing Boing

Baby-naming, in the geeky style of the xkcd webcomic

Proof that Randall from xkcd is wiretapping my brain in today’s nose-sprayingly funny toon. I’ve always wanted to same a kid with a MySQL code-injection attack, or “+++ATH” or “^d^d^c^c^g^g^g^g”. Anything to mess with database nation.


See also:
Xkcd webcomic on online sexism
Cory Doctorow cosplayers at the XKCD picnic
Geeky comic strip uses Cory as the punchline
Geeky comic about chess and roller-coasters
Xkcd fans bring chess-sets on roller-coasters

Nerd humor about Katamari Damacy
Bloggin’ ’bout my generation
Pi joke

Funny map of online communities in the style of a D&D map
Sarcastic comic about computational linguistics (and emo kids)
Where LOLCats come from
Ironic Internet malapropism grid

Originally posted by Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing