100 oldest .COM names in the registry

Cory Doctorow:
This list of the 100 oldest .COM domains currently registered a is fascinating look at the history of the Internet. Who was visionary enough to register a .COM domain, and when?

1.  	15-Mar-1985	SYMBOLICS.COM
2.  	24-Apr-1985	BBN.COM
3.  	24-May-1985	THINK.COM
4.  	11-Jul-1985	MCC.COM
5.  	30-Sep-1985	DEC.COM
6.  	07-Nov-1985	NORTHROP.COM
7.  	09-Jan-1986	XEROX.COM
8.  	17-Jan-1986	SRI.COM
9.  	03-Mar-1986	HP.COM
10.  	05-Mar-1986	BELLCORE.COM
11=  	19-Mar-1986	IBM.COM
11=  	19-Mar-1986	SUN.COM
13=  	25-Mar-1986	INTEL.COM
13=  	25-Mar-1986	TI.COM
15.  	25-Apr-1986	ATT.COM


(Thanks, Christopher!)

Originally posted by Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing

Dear ASCAP: May I sing Happy Birthday for my dad’s 75th?

Cory Doctorow:
Carrie sez, “Partly inspired by the site UnhappyBirthday.com, I thought it’d be fun to encourage people to write ASCAP and ask for permission in advance any time they expect to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ The post is focused on my own letter – written on behalf of my father, who turned 75 this month.”

The copyright status of “Happy Birthday To You” and the law related to public performances of copyrighted works have recently been brought to my attention. I would therefore like to request permission in advance to sing “Happy Birthday” to my father at Frenchy’s Original Cafe in Clearwater, Florida, on October 8, at approximately 1 pm.

My father will be turning 75 on this day and will probably be ordering the Seafood Gumbo and Fried Grouper. The rest of the party will include Charles Star, my brothers Peter and Paul, their spouses Karla and Cindee, and my mother Lynn. Five of us will be singing while my brothers merely mouth the words and smile. We expect there to be approximately 50 disinterested witnesses.

I realize this is short notice but we only recently settled the details. If there is a charge for the privilege of singing in this instance, please let me know. And, if there is, please specify whether or not the cost can be reduced by moving to another location.


Originally posted by Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing

Here Comes the Sun

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything. I pretty much have no excuse besides not having a whole lotta free time (and wanting to watch baseball in the small amount of free time I did have). I also moved into a new house, had a birthday, threw a party, bought groceries, and swept the floor once or twice.

However, let’s get back on track with today’s web find: The Sunlight Map!
Nobody at work thought it was as cool as I did. I think I just really love maps.


Originally posted by sarah lane from sarah. word.