iPod Micro Mockup

ipod_micro.jpg imageAnd would you know it, two iPod Flash mockups in the same day. I’m still falling in the Gruber camp—I don’t think it’s going to happen, but a flash player built entirely around the scroll wheel interface itself is sort of brilliant. That said, I think the chances of Apple making a pendant-style player are pretty slim—is there a single pendant-style gadget that has actually had much adoption? It’s great in theory, but I think most people feel too dorky trying to sport it in public—especially glowing white ones.

IPod Micro [CultOfMac]

Originally from Gizmodo

Pretec’s iDisk II 8GB USB flash keychain drive

Almost certainly not the very first of its kind (we’re pretty sure Buslink had one out first), but Pretec says they
have an 8GB USB flash keychain drive on the way
. They don’t mention a price for the iDisk II 8GB, but let’s just say
that if you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it (the 8GB Buslink drive will set you back $1,799.99).

Originally posted by Peter Rojas from Engadget

iPod My Photo


For a second there we thought this was gonna be some slickster offering to hack your old iPod into an iPod photo,
but the folks behind iPod My Photo have stumbled onto something even more sueworthy (at least if you happen to be one
of Apple’s lawyers): send them in a photo and for twenty bucks, pick the background color and caption, and they’ll
photoshop it or something or other to make it look like one of those iconic, ubiquitous iPod advertisements. They’ll
even draw in an iPod if there isn’t one in the picture already. They should be getting a cease & desist

Originally posted by Peter Rojas from Engadget

I Can Almost See Mickey

Yes, I do believe I see him! He’s right next to the groping Tigger.

Super high-res aerial photos of Disneyland created by stitching together 150 separate images.

It looks like the full-res image is broken, but the Zoomify version works.

It’s almost like being there.

To get the full effect, turn up the heater on full blast. Then ask everyone in your household to stand in a line in front of your computer with you in the back. After about an hour, step to the front of the line and look at the glorious high-res picture of Disneyland for about 45 seconds. Then queue up again and repeat. It also wouldn’t hurt to wear Mickey Mouse ears.


Originally from Alice and Bill.com

I found Mickey!

Originally from plastic bugs