TommyLog – A Little Christmas Time Encouragement

Hey kids, its Dad and today I want to thank a close friend for her dose of encouragement this Christmas season. You will never know how timely that dose was and what a difference it made. THANK YOU!

Now go out and share some encouragement with someone.

TommyLog – Emma Helps Someone at School

Emma had a really neat experience at summer school yesterday. There was this girl, a few years younger than Emma who was sad to be leaving her mom. Emma reached out to her and made her feel safe. Emma set such a great example.

TommyLog – Good Friends Listen!

Hey kids, for today’s TommyLog I want to talk about one of the attributes of a good friend. Their listening skills. Last week I was called upon to be THAT friend, to be able to listen and soak in and just let someone vent. I’m thankful I was ready and able to take the phone call and that I was able to be there in a time of need.

I’m pretty sure if people had better listening skills, can you imagine what a better place this world would be?

TommyLog – Someone To Believe In You!

Ever had one of the those life defining moments when you realize that someone believes in you? Well over the weekend I suddenly realized who was the first person, other than my parents, to really believe in me and my abilities.

Nothing is better than having someone believe in you– and help kick start your confidence at such a pivotal point in your life.. Well Joe was that very person.

THANK YOU Joe for over 20 years of friendship and believing in me. You and your family rock and you have left a HUGE impression on me!

TommyLog – Choose Your Friends Wisely

What makes your friend special? Why do you have the certain core group of friends that you do? Finding the best core group of friends is so important. In this day and age you can find friends to help you or hurt you. Your true friends will be with you through thick and thin. Are you at in the AV crowd, or the sports crowd? Clara is in the dance crowd, growing up I was in the A/V group and had A/V type friends. My circle of friends made me want to be better.

You always want to be around and surround yourself with people who want to make you better. Never surround yourself with people who wants to bring you down. Those people will always leave you. When you surround yourself with people who want to make you better, it’s infectious. You thrive off each other.

Be careful who your friends are and choose them wisely if you make the right choices your friends will be there forever.