TommyLog – What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? What makes you happiest? Are you the type of person that does stuff that makes you sad or what makes you mad. Or do you only do things to make you happy?

Drew loves angry birds– that makes him happy. Emma loves to draw and to do art stuff, which makes her happy. Tommy loves Minecraft and love solving those puzzles and loves learning its tools. Clara loves to dance. Madeline loves to cook. I love solving problems and love doing things for others.

There are so many people who complain in life. So many people were just not happy. Why do you waste your time and do things that don’t make you happy. If you’re not happy in this situation that you’re in, change.

Stop complaining and do something about it.

TommyLog – High School Reunions

At my local gym the other morning, doing what I do best at 5:30 in the morning… working out. *Cough* I like to workout in the area which is called the cardio theater. They always have a movie playing. The movie that was playing this day was a movie about high school reunions. I usually listen to music so I don’t pay much attention, but it looked kind of interesting.

Made think about my high school experience in the people I had met. I have been away from high school for well over 25 years and I think about the people who were my friends in high school and those who were not. I didn’t run in the circle with the jocks or the theater folk; I was considered more of a geek because I was in the AV club. DO NOT JUDGE!

Which brings me back to my 25th high school reunion. I remember showing up and all the guys that were jocks are now burnouts, literally.  The guy that comes to mind ran a pizza place on the beach and after talking to him it was clear that there’s more going into his system then just pizza dough and pepperoni’s.

With the advent of Facebook many of my high school friends that I had lost touch with for years and years are now closer than ever. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I’m not sure. Though the miles separate us the technological divide has brought us closer together. But it’s interesting how many people are my friends now who wouldn’t give me the time of day back in 1986. Makes you think!

What you think about your high school reunions. Do you go to them? Do people treat you differently?

TommyLog – What I’m Thankful For

To close out 2013, I want totake some time to give thanks. Thanks for all the people around me that have made the Clifford family successful.

It’s impossible to name everyone by name, as I don’t want to leave anyone out and make someone sad…so i skipped most names on purpose.

THANK YOU for making 2013 so wonderful!

Here’s to an even more amazing 2014! WOOT!

TommyLog – Supporting Your Heritage

This is a different Tommylog. I received an email question about language and heritage and i wanted to address it as a video.

Here’s the contents of the letter…

If you spoke another language fluently (in this case, Italian) along with English (you being Bilingual). Would you speak both—openly?
The reason I say ‘openly’ is because *I know* people that are able to speak their native [heritage (more minorities)] language,  and refuse to speak…
Like If they’re ashamed.
I *somewhat* have a feeling why. In the minority category are blacks & Hispanics.
In society, it’s much better now… but it’s always been tough.
Not sure how it was in Rochester while you grew-up…
If there were any Hispanics in your neighborhood, or If you had any as friends/acquaintances.

I appreciate the letter and love the opportunity to talk about this. I feel that being true to yourself and your heritage is important, but with that said, the frame of reference for me is considerably different.

TommyLog – A Daughters Love

Last week, as you recall, I went to MythBusters: Behind the Myth with my daughter Madeline as her gift to me for Christmas. What an amazing day we both had, just playing and hanging out. It really got me thinking, which of course got me emotional. How many 19 year old girls in this day and age really want to spend time with their dear old dads?

Well it’s an honor to say I’m in that club and what a GREAT feeling it is to know we can chat, laugh and play together even if as she grows up to be a fine young woman.

My life is so blessed!