MSN Virtual Earth: What Apple Headquarters? - TommyLog
Filed under: Internet Tools, Odds and endsJim tipped us off to this yesterday and we're getting a bunch of emails about it today since it was posted on The Register, so we figured we better mention it soon before our inboxes are flooded.Have a look at 1 Infinite Loop from above. Here we have MSN Virtual Earth on the left and Google Maps on the right.I thought maybe Apple fans were just getting a taste of our own medicine, but instead it appears that Microsoft is just behind the times as usual. In Microsoft's world, for example, the World Trade Center is still standing. Tom Negrino suspects these pics are at least 7 years old. I have a hunch they may be even older. The app itself has promise though, and it seems smoother than Google Maps in Safari, so I hope they update the imagery soon.Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments Ads by Google