Flickr image clock


A nifty little Flash app called Flicker Time grabs photos of the “momment” and generates a dynamic digital clock with them.

Enter the tags you’d like the images based on (or none for totally random choices), and Flicker Time assembles the clock: digital numbers made of images, with an analog ticker in the background. Mouse over any image to see a larger version, and be sure to hang in there for at most a minute to see the neat-o transition, where images fly in to create the new digit. This sucker requires a fast connection, and it’s more of a time waster than a time saver, but it’s could be a fun alternative to your screensaver.

Originally from Lifehacker

Spell words with buildings

Ss P A R K A T O P is for Paradiso I letra A

At one time or another, most of us have wondered how our name would look if it was spelled out with buildings that look like letters when viewed from above. Finally… finally!… we can do just that. Head to geoGreeting, type in your name (or any word or phrase), and you’ll instantly see it spelled with “building letters.”

Equally cool, if you mouse over any of the letters, you’ll see the location of the building on a global map. And when you’re done, you get a link that you can send to others. Clicking it produces a nifty animated version of this “greeting.”

I must admit, I still like Spell with Flickr a little better, but you gotta admire this. Letter buildings!

Originally from Lifehacker